Sunday 16 March 2014

And I'm Back

I know I am the worst blogger of all time. It has basically been a year since my last post. I promise I am going to try to be better. Lately, I have been getting lots of emails about fitness questions so I promise to start writing about that too. I have so much to catch up on. I will try to do so with haste. Well, since last June, my handsome husband & I moved to Denver. He signed a one year contract with the Denver Broncos. We sadly said goodbye to our home in Arizona. My husband was injured in a pre-season game & was put on injury reserve for the season, so we basically got to spend EVERY day together for Fall & Winter. It was bliss. We have loved our new puppy Iggy, taking lots of little trips, and enjoying the best year of our lives (newly married). The Broncos made it to the Superbowl last month, so we got to go to New York for that, even if it was a tough loss. We recently celebrated our first anniversary last month as well! We have been very, very busy making exciting new plans for the year. My husband recently decided to retire football after 7 years in the NFL. We can't wait for this new chapter in our lives! I decided to start somewhere with the update, so I figured I would post about our trip to New York earlier last month. Stew and I flew out a few days earlier than the team because we wanted to play in the city. Stew used to live in the East Coast and wanted to show me around. I had only been to New York once before when I was 14. We went on a middle school graduation summer trip. We only spent a day in the city & I was maced in Times I think it is safe to say I needed to give it another shot. The first few days we stayed at a friends place. I got to meet some of Stew's old friends and see some of his favorite places. I fell in love with the city. The rest of the trip was Superbowl/Broncos madness. Stew's parents (John & Ann) came out as well. The trip was so much fun. Some of my favorite things from the trip were: 1. Seeing the city with my one and only 2. Eating at amazing new restaurants 3. Going to concerts at random Rock & Roll bars and meeting Patrick Carney from the Black Keys 4. Going to Wicked on broadway in NY 5. SHOPPING 6. Going to the Superbowl! (It has been on my bucket list for years) Here are a few photos from my trip via iPhone. More updates to come soon!


  1. So nice to see you back!!!
    Can't wait to hear more!! =)))

  2. Truly great to see you back. Your trip looks enjoyable. Thanks for sharing these photos here. I will be attending a destination wedding party at Chicago venues. Very excited to visit Chicago after such a long time!
